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The challenge under this theme is the need to secure production of food and agricultural products for a growing global population, while protecting our living environment and conserving natural and agricultural biodiversity.

The impact we seek is for sustainable agriculture to contribute to inclusive and sustainable local, regional and global food systems, rural livelihoods and social equity. This is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG 15), Life on Land, which aims to sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. It also aligns with SDG 2, which seeks to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition through sustainable food systems and resilient agricultural practices.

The impact and innovation examples relate to the use of nature-based solutions to improve human, animal and plant health, sustainable productivity, food security and incomes, enhancing ecosystem services, improving soil health, and maintaining populations of beneficial insects. Innovations include technologies for controlling crop pests, new diagnostic tools, and new strategies for managing diseases spread by mosquitoes and other insects, or by animals such as rats.

The complex interplay among these elements involves trade-offs. Hence the need to assess the relative impacts on agricultural production, social and economic benefits and environmental sustainability.