An international conference on the development of sustainable energy resources is being organized as an integral part of an NRI-managed EU-funded project on the use of wood and agricultural waste for energy production in South-East Asia. The conference, entitled "Issues for the Sustainable Use of Biomass Resources for Energy", will be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 15-17 August 2005, and will bring together project participants from Europe, Sri Lanka and India, plus contributors from elsewhere in South-East Asia.

NRI's partners in the project and the organization of the conference are:

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Bio Energy Association of Sri Lanka (BEASL) The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (CTI), Italy

The conference will focus on issues relating to both the technology and the social implications of the development of these sustainable energy resources, and will also examine the opportunities for funding such development through the CDM and other financing models. Following the conference itself, participants will visit those locations in Sri Lanka where the development of biomass-derived energy has already been initiated through the use of producer gas and in the direct production of electricity.

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On the fifth day, a set of Working Groups will be initiated. These Groups, whose work will continue into 2006, will have the task of developing a series of technical guidelines and manuals for the development of biomass energy. These outputs will be aimed at a wide range of interested parties, including those who are involved in the growing of short-rotation coppice crops and those concerned with the engineering aspects of biomass conversion.

All papers relating to the conference will be hosted on the BEASL website. For further information about this project, contact Trevor Abell (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Conference proceedings are now available here [PDF 722Kb]