World-wide agricultural advisory services
World-wide agricultural advisory services

World-wide agricultural advisory services have a new coordination body called the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS). NRI was commissioned by GFRAS to carry out one of the first studies by this new organisation. The study was divided into an analysis of 17 extension evaluation case studies and a literature review of evaluation frameworks and methods relevant to agricultural advisory services. These two documents will be used to develop a practical 'toolbox' that will provide guidance to evaluation practitioners.

The two studies were presented by NRI staff Barry Pound and Adrienne Martin at an international workshop convened by GFRAS in Greenwich on September 29th. Barry also participated in a follow-on workshop on September 30th – October 1st to further develop the strategy and governance structure for GFRAS. The workshops were attended by representatives of the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Swiss Development Co-operation, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, the Global Forum for Research, GTZ, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and others. The studies, together with involvement in these and future workshops, place NRI at the forefront of discussions on the future of agricultural extension worldwide.