
By Ben Bennett

Lipid oils extracted from plants are particularly good for use in cosmetics because they


Biodiversity and associated indigenous knowledge around the world are eroding fast. The NRI


Livestock can act as a potential pathway out of poverty for rural producers and other actors


Scientists from 42 countries around the world gathered in Nigeria for the 16th Triennial


NRI research confirms that there are tangible, significant and sometimes considerable economic,


The 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) this week is


Experts at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) are leading a major new project that will deliver


Don Reynolds, a scientist at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), together with colleagues from


A joint report by the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) and Concern Worldwide, calling for more


Monday August 20th is World Mosquito Day, celebrating the discovery of the role mosquitoes play in


Frances Hawkes, a PhD researcher at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), is the first winner of


Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year


Smallholder farmers and other poor rural people in developing countries, such as pastoralists and


At the Global Cassava Partnership meeting for the 21st Century (GCP21) in Kampala, Uganda on June


Please note that this event has been postponed to 11th April 2013

In many European countries
