• Social and Environmental Trade-offs in African Agriculture (SENTINEL) "from [2017] to [2022]" [FCDO B0518 Alexandre Chausson and Adrienne Martin (2022) Transdisciplinary research partnerships for complex problem solving – meeting the challenges. Sentinel Policy Brief. IIED. https://www.sentinel-gcrf.org/sites/sentinel/files/resources/2024-01/SentinelBriefingResearchTeam.pdf
  • Innovation and Creativity to Shape Future Policy Directions and Collective Action for Healthy and Sustainable People, Food and Nature Futures in Medway [K0264]. Tanya Stathers.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) "from [2015] to [2020]" [DFID B0460] Understanding and informing decisions on sustainable agriculture intensification in sub-Saharan Africa https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14735903.2020.1818483 Jeremy Haggar, Richard Lamboll, Valerie Nelson.
  • Liaison Scientist, Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems (CRFS) East and Southern Africa Community of Practice "from [2018] to [2024]" Funded by McKnight Foundation. The programme aims to cultivate resilient food systems globally by bridging farmer-centred agroecological research, action and influence. The Liaison Scientist role supports CRFS researchers in Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda in co-creating agroecological knowledge that addresses immediate and proximate needs of farmers and other food systems actors, while filling evidence gaps, and creating opportunities for linkages to wider local food systems transformation efforts. Kate Wellard. [Farmer Research Networks in Principle and Practice https://doi.org/10.1080/14735903.2021.1930954 ]
  • ICTs for Understanding Women's time use, dietary and hygiene practices "from [2021] to [2024]". An Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA) research grant funded by FCDO and BMGF, with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Africa Innovations Institute, and Ichuli Institute, Uganda. The study aims to contribute to evidence gaps on the application of digital technologies to evaluate nutrition and health outcomes in LMICs. It is assessing two ICT tools- Life-logging Cameras with image-assisted recall, and Interactive Voice Response Diaries via mobile phones against direct observations with women in a remote, post-conflict context of northern Uganda. Kate Wellard, Lora Forsythe, Lydia O’Meara. [Automated wearable cameras for improving recall of diet and time use in Uganda https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12937-022-00828-3 ]
  • Integrating the Quality of Research for Development (QoR4D) Framework into the Evaluation of the GENDER Platform’s Evidence Module [C2543]. Lora Forsythe, Tanya Stathers
  • Sustainability-Intensification Trade-offs in Coffee Agroforestry in Central America [B0554 BBSRC/GRF]
  • Performance Evaluation of Global Component of Innovative Ventures and Technologies for Development (INVENT) Programme "from [2017] to [2019]" [C2419 Impact of innovations]
  • Putting Research into Use for Sustainable Agriculture and Resilience PRUNSAR. 2023. Vegard Iversen. (Synthesis paper by Iversen, Case study reports by Adrienne Martin and John Morton.) C2570

Group Leaders

Dr Kate Wellard

Principal Research Fellow - Natural Resource Management and Innovations


+44 (0)1634 88 3015

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